Thursday, September 26, 2013

Recordings Lecture

Out of all of Mr. Miller's lectures we have had so far, this was probably my favorite lecture.  The main reason for that is music is a big part of my life, and once I think about it, I listen to music and the radio more often than I realize.  I listen to it every bus ride and even when I'm at home doing homework.  I found it interesting when we learned that before recordings, there were many problems with music such as distortions and different cultures and languages sang different songs.  After recordings, music took off and became what it is today and I am honestly so happy for recordings so that we can be blessed today with listening to any type of music we want to listen to.  Back then, when Edison invented the phonograph and Berliner invented the gramophone people were in awe.  And just think, today recordings are so advanced that we can even record our own music and post it on YouTube to get noticed without even having to sign under a record label.  I think music is a huge part of our culture today and still continues to influence people around the world.

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