Thursday, November 14, 2013

Overuse of Stories?

The local television news station, WAVE, reported on a lot of crime stories; like already stated down below.  However, there was one trial that they repeated a story on every night, and that is the David Camm trial.  This story was important to the public, but the viewers did not need an update every time they watched the news.  They could have given an update on every mistrial leading up to the veridic, not guilty.  This trial was very easy for the station to report on.  They even had a whole Twitter account set up for the trial, devoted to giving play-by-play updates of the trial.  They were making the interesting sound important whether than the other way around.  They would play the same B-Roll on every update of Camm walking into the court house.  This story started to get old for viewers.

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